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Old 01-26-2009, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Mohoender
One more thing, the world (humanity) already survived to the level of casualties that would bring a nuclear war and I would not be surprised if it was to survive again. The Great Plague (1347-1350) had killed to a similar level and that combined with severe hunger and global freezing. I'm sure that we would face new problems but what occur at that time is interesting to imagine what could happen after a nuclear conflict.
Well, the plausibility of the consequences of a nuclear exchange as the one depicted in Twilight:2000 or "Threads" can be a source of an interminable but interesting thread. And the terrain of the long term effects of such a war belongs entirely to the fascinating field of the "What If's". From my point of view, the most useful and reliable information that a government can give to me in the case of an "Threads" exchange type is the estimated points of impact. I would try to reach the nearest one it with my family as soon as possible. Of course, given the case, I would have only partial information, so I would never know for sure the extent of the conflict and, eventually I would find enough courage or desperation to try to be one of the survivors...

Anyway, I've never thought that the nuclear war effects depicted in Twilight were realistic. And I find it somewhat relieving. After all, I will never be playing or refereeing a game that causes me a depression... So, it's good enough for me.

I agree that probably the mankind will survive even a non-limited nuclear war. But it would be little consolation for the few survivors (if any) in the Northern Hemisphere for generations... I'm afraid that the long term effects are far beyond the "Great Plague" (our "Pesta Negra"). You can try to avoid the bubonic infection if you have the information of the methods and its presence. But little can be done against things like the deformations in the fetus, the increased cancer probability, the damage to the harvests and animal species, the blindness caused by the UV's, the unknown consequences over the climatology. And of course, the plagues will be again an important factor. And last, but not less important, neither the normal common XXI century people does not know much about the natural environment, nor about the ways to get food from it. And those who knows something about it will be facing and altered climate and (in the worst though unproved case) a nuclear winter...

Mmmmmm...grim enough...
L'Argonauta, rol en català
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