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Old 07-24-2012, 11:15 AM
Adm.Lee Adm.Lee is offline
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The G11 (due to its design) could also fire 3 round quick bursts. Same as the single quick shots in the BYB, but roll 1D3 per hit for number of rounds striking the target. Simplest way I can think of modelling the extremely high rate of fire in each burst (something like 2000 rpm I think).
The downside to this is ammo gets used up three times as fast and it's still random as to how many rounds actually strike the target. Recoil is also figured using the three round burst figure rather than single shots (3 recoil per burst rather than the 2 of single shots). This would mean a character with Strength 7 could fire either 3 single shots, 2x3 round bursts, or 1x5 round burst without recoil penalty. Put another way, shoot at 3 targets, 2 targets or 1 target respectively.
Recoil penalty for exceeding 2x3 round bursts would be to Skill/accuracy rather than a reduction in dice as it is for conventional automatic fire. Range would also effect accuracy rather than available dice (since the third round is out of the barrel before recoil occurs and therefore the aim point is barely effected).
I'm not sure how this last step would work, if one were to generate a -3 penalty, that would come off the already low to-hit numbers? So a character whose burst-fire to-hit number is a 3, is now rolling the normal number of dice, but only hitting on 1s?

And as far as my gamer ADD, what I meant was that I'm wondering about running in other game systems that I've not explored in T2k action, such as Mongoose Traveller or Savage Worlds. Both have autofire rules that seem worth experimentation.
My Twilight claim to fame: I ran "Allegheny Uprising" at Allegheny College, spring of 1988.
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