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Old 08-09-2012, 04:21 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003
Default Coal fired ships

Some ideas for coal fired ships that could be used for transporting characters either on the Great Lakes or possibly for ocean voyages. These ships were in service at the time of the Twilight War (and still are today) and would make very good transports for both MilGov and CivGov with the lack of petroleum for ocean going transport.

SS Badger and SS Spartan - coal fired passenger and vehicle ferries that are still in use on the Great Lakes today. You could easily them being pressed into service as transports for either government, especially as they would be tailor made for carrying things like Hummers and other light armored vehicles.

They can carry 620 passengers and 180 automobiles and can take vehicles in size and weight up to commercial trucks and buses. They even have staterooms for sleeping in.

There were several other ferries but they were cut to barges by 1997. However the two that remain do offer a way to transport people around besides sail craft.

Will look into others - but gettting control of such a ship from a group of pirates or marauders (or even a rival govt) would be a good scenario for GM's looking for ideas for nautical adventures.
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