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Old 08-13-2012, 10:57 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

For one a ship like her could explain how the CivGov forces in Albania and Yugoslavia are still able to fight - if you read the Albania article in Challenge Magazine those divisions are still combat effective and very much still in existence as divisions - but they would have had to have some kind of supplies (at the least ammo resupply) to do so

A single ship like that in the hands of CivGov could explain it - i.e. very occasional (as in a couple times of year max) trips that bring in limited ammo, medical supplies, possibly even reinforcements (i.e. and by that I mean a 100 to 200 men max level) that keep those three divisions barely still in the fight - and with how small those forces are thats probably all you would need

and there are very large supplies of coal in Eastern PA that would be relatively easy to bring to the seacoast for fueling one or two trips per year in this fashion

even if they were only used on the Great Lakes themselves thats a very effective transportation asset for getting supplies, men and vehicles back and forth and saving a lot of methanol to do it
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