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Old 08-15-2012, 01:58 PM
Apache6 Apache6 is offline
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Default Locations

Here's a few 'scenario starter' photos.

One is a photo of a once grand house, which the players unit overnight in.

Also a bridge that they have to cross to escape a overwhelming enemy force that is closing in on them. It was once a Military Load Class 100 (MLC100) bridge, meaning it should have supported vehicles up to 100 tons easily. They knew it was still up, but had heard rumor it was damaged. When they arrive this is what they see. It's an Esy CbtEngr task to assess that it will not support more then 5 + 4d6 tons at any time in it's current condition. It's a difficult CbtEngr Task to figure out how to conduct temporary repairs that will allow it to support up to 50 tons. That will take 8d10 manhours of labor and pioneer tools.

The rocket photos: Your players are hiding in a woods, they hear trucks pull up into a clearing a few hundred meters away. If they go check it out they will see four trucks, a UAZ jeep and a BRDM-2 setting up in a clearing between 50 - 150 meters from the edge of a woodline which has good rocky cover. This is an enemy artillery battery and likely constitutes a good portion of the enemies main artillery force. They have 4 type-63 12 shot, 107mm MRLs. Each truck pulls one and carries 6 men armed with 1 RPK, 5 AKs, each vehicle has a RPG-7 but only 3 of them have any rockets. Each vehicle also carries 72 extra rockets for the MRL. The BRDM will orient it's gun down the road toward where they perceive NATO forces are. One man from each truck will stand with an RPK 'on a lax guard.' but non of them will go much more then 30m from the vehicle. The UAZ has a large antena, and is obviously the FDC for the battery. If the charcters do nothing they will take 30 minutes to set up the MRLs and aiming stakes then wait quietly for 50 minutes before they jump into activilty, relaying firing commands, applying firing data then opening up with a volley of 48 rockets, 8 minutes after then receive a call for fire. If the players engage, the artillery unit will most brake and run quickly. They are very likely to leave behind significant spoils, including ammo, diesel, and possibly a vehicle or two (if PCs can capture/KO the drivers).

The stagecoach used to be a tourist attraction at a "wild west attraction." But it's been pressed into service, since it's approbriate technology for the local civilians. Used to carry passengers, mail and small packages on a 130 km route, which it covers at about a 30km a day pace. The driver is armed with a pistol and sawed off double barrel shotgun. The gentlemen riding 'shotgun' is better armed with a assualt rifle with grenade launcher with 3 HE rounds.

One time when your PCs have set up an effective deliberate defense, they should see there enemies, herding civlians from the local town (ideally with which your PCs have good relations), toward them in front of their vehicles to act as human shields.

The church is also a location your charachters, or some local civilians might use for shelter.
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