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Old 08-15-2012, 03:10 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Cheers dude. Keeping Six at Century House was a slip up - I knew they'd moved to Vauxhall Cross, but thought it was later than that - I should have noticed it To be honest, I hadn't originally planned on covering Six (on the basis that the work was meant to cover the situation in the UK and by definition Six operate outside the UK) and I have been helluva short of time lately, so I may have rushed parts of that piece to try and get it out.

Crikey, that was a very early draft of Mebyon Kernow you're referring to! You're right, in that draft the group's leader - Geraint - was an ex Marine officer who had served in the Falklands and NI. Part of the reason for the change was that I was worried that in some ways the character of Geraint was not dissimilar to Marcus Rose himself - both were formerly Majors, both had served in NI, both had left the Armed Forces - so I went for a non military character in the end (I also had a draft where the leader was a bloke who was a self employed builder).

Apologies for not being in more regular contact re: your it through to me and I'll get back to you asap.


Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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