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Old 08-20-2012, 03:31 PM
Littlearmies Littlearmies is offline
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Default OT - BBC Our War Series 2

Some of you may have seen "Our War" last year - a remarkable series intercutting eyewitness accounts with personal video footage of combat in Afghanistan. Well the second series began this evening at 21.00 on BBC Three - also available on iPlayer:

Again some very moving scenes from the eyewitnesses -and stirring courage under fire - and not just amongst the infantry. Tonight's episode featured a Casevac pilot flying a Chinook in a sandstorm by following an Apache (that, unlike him, could actually see where he was going) - I can only imagine how much of a buttock clencher that flight was for everyone involved.

Fl.Lt Singh's earlier mission (to collect Kingsman Darren Deady) is described and shown in the episode - including a close call for one soldier who almost suffered one of the more unusual combat injuries - squished by landing casevac Chinook!

Anyway I hope nobody objects to this post despite it being off topic. It was a remarkable programme featuring some remarkable young men.

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