Originally Posted by Webstral
I have made room at Alameda, CA for multiple USN vessels in my sketches for the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm mostly focused on Blue Two [2nd Naval Infantry Battalion]. However, Blue Two operates on the waters of the Bay and the Delta under the command of the USN, so it's impossible to avoid giving some attention to the Navy.
Fuel is going to be the elephant in the room, though plenty more problems rear their ugly heads. The value of the electricity the nuke boats can generate may surpass the value of their patrols under most circumstances. For this reason, I see Alameda as a very secure, very densely populated sweatshop.
I agree. I think most practical patrols could be handled by smaller coast guard cutters. No need for huge capital ships to protect the fishing fleets. A carrier or subs with a live nuke plant would make a good mini plant.