If anyone wants to use the expanded naval material I did: it was on Antenna's site before it went down, be my guest. It was there for folks to use-or not-as one saw fit. Jason and the DC group did make some use of it, before their plans went on indefinite hold.
Personally, more surviving ships does make sense. I, for one, could not understand that there was only one SSN left? And no boomers? Not very likely-and no carriers? My material had four carriers left in port-though two were conventionally powered and short of fuel, and two were CVNs. Not to mention two damaged carriers sitting in various ports that could sail again-if the right parts could be found. And also mention of a couple of the amphibious carriers, the battleships and cruisers, as well as additional SSNs and boomers (including Parche-the PACFLT "special projects" boat).
Reactivating older destroyers-as well as the two Des Moines class cruisers-made a lot of sense as 1996 went into '97. Now, the only place you'll find major USN units doing regular patrols-apart from those SSNs and boomers I mentioned-is in the Persian Gulf.
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