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Old 09-13-2012, 04:10 AM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Location: Fayetteville, NC
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So, now we have the nice little town of Juhlinowice. What is the status?

Based on location, I would say bombed within an inch of its' life. 50-100 people living in whatever rubble they can form into a coherent structure to keep them out of the rain.

Farming community, some subsistance farming still occuring. Mostly human powered plows. MAYBE a couple of horses to plow community field. Some chickens, a couple of pigs would not be an unusual addition.

One iron worker is not out of the question.

VERY small (5-20) semi organized ORMO type self defense. A couple of shotguns, a hunting rifle or two, bows and arrows, etc.

Government, such as it is, would be a council of elders. The council would try to insure that everyone got a fair share of the crops.

Trade would be VERY sporadic. IF there is any surplus food in the community, it could be traded for ammo, medicine, etc.

I am sure you will flesh these ideas out. Just something off of the top of my head this morning to greet our band of survivors from 5th ID.

My $0.02

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