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Old 02-05-2009, 01:18 AM
Sanchez Sanchez is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 84
Default Radical change

Starting a mercanary operation is hardly what I call a radical change of playing. It is an easy way of starting a session whiout the need for a strategy and will probably result in the deaths of some NPCs, I agree, but whithout a common goal we will quickly be stuck in the old pattern, where the only goal is personal wealth and power again. This inevetable leads to large omounts of paperwork and boring administration. We need something to pool our resources for, and we need something MEANINGFUL to spend our income on. In such a disillusioned world I believe RELIGION is the most meaningful, and most attractive, common denominator of all people. The world we live in will, if we act now before it starts to re-sivilise, is a gigantic market for cheap labour and has the potential for a strong power base.


This is our chance to change history. The fiifth world war could be the turing point where the old wastern sivilisation collapsed and a stonger, more adaptive and more cruel sivilisation raised up from the rubble.
We can lead that sivilisation!
We can reject the old culture that brought such devastation to our forefathers!
We can make the people of the world worship OUR GODS!

We will have to wait for the next world war before we get such a chance again! We must act now!

The details of this undertaking can of course be discussed: The leadership structure and the issue of forced mating to mention two.

As I said earlier, not all the details have been worked out, and I would very much like a discussion on that.

But a "let's go out in the forrest and find someone to shoot approach" will not anything to the game.

Let us pray...
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