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Old 10-15-2012, 07:38 PM
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WallShadow WallShadow is offline
Ephemera of the Big Ka-Boom
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: near TMI
Posts: 574
Default THC boost

Out of the foggy depths of my college memories come mention of an Isomerizer--a device which concentrates the THC from low-buzz weed into better-buzz tarry blackened residue. I have no clue as to the details, but a friend's druggie housemate was a Chem major, so this was an example of homework paying off! It involved alcohol and an elevate temperature, and that's the extent of the explanation I received when inquiring about this miraculous machine. I do remember some housemates thought they were going to turn pigs ears into silk purses, but you can't turn stems and seeds into much more than they originally were. The entrepreneurs did some heavy marketing and hard-sell on the weird-looking result, and some people were stupid enough to be caught up in the sell.
"Let's roll." Todd Beamer, aboard United Flight 93 over western Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001.
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