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Old 01-08-2013, 11:39 AM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Originally Posted by M-Type View Post
As the title might suggest, when the players are starting out in (v1) Escape from Kalisz, what information would they know? They'd know about the Summer 2000 push, because they just lived that. In Black Madonna it mentions the chance of some PCs being veterans of the Battle of Czestochowa, but I'm talking in a larger scale.

What would they know about CONUS, the war, the 'big picture'. I would hope they knew CONUS got nuked, but then it hit me that it'd be a bit of a downer for morale. Or it could make them fight harder...

It'd be something else when they finally pull into Norfolk and all they're greeted by is ruins and a pall of smoke hanging over the continent. Where'd the US of A go?

How have you spun this in your games?
The few times I have played, the knowledge of the PC's depended on the GM. OF COURSE, they knew of the Russian attack on China, Europe. They knew of the use of tac-nukes in Europe. They would know SOMETHING was wrong with the USN, due to very slow resupply from US. They would KNOW, as you put it, about the Summer 2000 offensive. They would know about nukes on US soil IF the unit had replacement soldiers that had been shipped to Europe after TDM.

After these items, it depended on the GM. What kind of world he had in mind when running the Escape from Kalisz. IF the unit escapes the destruction of 5ID, then it depends on which direction they head as to what they learn from the locals, captured Warsaw Pact soldiers, captured intellegence, over heard commo from NATO, etc., etc.

I never played in a "Black Madonna" scenario. All I can remember is a very bleak world, where the need for food, water, fuel, and other supplies were more important than what was happening in "the outside world". The troops I was assigned to were shell shocked to say the least. They just survived the destruction of 5ID. An unheard of order from CIC 5ID, "You are on your own".

In my reading of history, NO American unit had EVER been given that kind of order. The closest I can recall is during the Invasion of the Philippenes by Japan. Some survivors heard of the surrender of Corregedor, but never this. They probably heard from Phillipene troops that MacArthur swore "I shall return".

Even during the Battle of the Bulge, no American unit was given an order like this. Fall back, yes. Slow the Germans down as best you can, yes. Hold in place, as in the stand of the 101st Airborne in Bastogne, yes. Conflicting orders, do this, do that, do the other, sure.

During the darkest days of the American Revolution, after the loss of New York, the retreat across New Jersey, the loss of Philadelphia, the arrival at Valley Forge with NO supplies of any sort. Not one unit was given this order.

During the War of 1812, the militia in charge of defending Washington, DC was smashed by the British Army. Yes the survivors fled. Yes Washington fell to the British. And the war went on.

During some of the huge losses by the Army of the Potomic during the American Civil War, after Fredricksburg, Chancelersville, Bull Run, Second Bull Run, and others, the Union Army would retreat, yes. It was almost shattered in some instances, yes. But never "You are on your own".

So the set of circumstances following the destruction of 5ID really makes you scratch your head.

But I digress. The units I was assigned to in the game were trying their best to survive, regroup, and prepare to take on the enemy one day in the future.

My $0.02

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