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Old 01-27-2013, 09:48 PM
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Since then my actual T2000 'collection' has grown. I've gotten hard copies of the v1 rules, the re-published edition with the rules + Poland modules, the US/Soviet/NATO vehicle guides, and the Going Home module! Oh, and Twilight Encounters. Thank God for Amazon.

I'd definitely love to get back to it. I love the setting and universe of T2000. I was actually kicking around the idea of a RPOL campaign based on a comic series I just picked up, called The Last Zombie.

It features a military unit moving from their enclave in Cheyenne Mountain to West Virginia to re-initiate contact with another enclave (and the President) since the satellites are damaged (it's been 2 years since the zombie apocalypse began). They begint heir trek, even though they're expecting the worst when they finally get there. They have to deal with fuel and ammo rationing, marauders, disease, food supplies, and the condition of their vehicles. Literally everything plaguing the PCs in a T2k game! Plus zombies! It got my mind thinking....which can be dangerous...
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