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Old 10-02-2008, 12:40 PM
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Nowhere Man 1966 Nowhere Man 1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antenna
Chuck remember to load LOD next time you are on the net. Got an itch in my blizzard and lightning fingers.

I will when I get a chance, I'm dealing with a sick cat, Pixie, a black cat, my oldest at 16, she has a hyperactive thyroid and anemia. This year was bad for fleas (and other bugs), everyone has them and those caused her anemia. Well, so far, the meds we have her on, seem to have improved her a little, she isn't gasping for air when excited (anemia causes this because you have less blood to carry oxygen) like she was plus she is walking around a little more. I bring her food, water and basically let her rest and let the meds kick in. If she gets too excited, she could die. I've been busy with flea control as well, but perhaps we can do some LOD soon.

Chuck M. - slave to 5 cats.
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