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Old 05-14-2013, 07:15 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

If you take New America as a given being anti-communist and anti-immigrant then you may actually see some New America cells aligning themselves with MilGov in its efforts in some areas - specifically in California, Texas, Arizona, Alaska and New Mexico.

Not because they support MilGov for any reason but because those areas find themselves either with Communist invaders still on their soil (Alaska and Texas) or with Mexican invaders (California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico)

Thus even though they are basically anti-US government, in those cases their hatred of Communism and immigrants could push them to the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation - at least until the invaders were gone.

The question would be - would those allies of convenience stay as such once they had pushed the enemy out - or would they then begin to fight amongst themselves again

Or put it this way - look at the fight in Army of Darkness - two human sides that hate each other but have a common enemy - they destroy them and then look at each other suspiciously - so do they then take each other on leaving in the end only one very weakened victor or unite as they did in the movie?

Could add an interesting touch to campaigns set in those areas where you have MilGov and NA acting together instead of being enemies - not endorsed of course by overall NA leadership but possible because of the relative looseness of the the overall command structure of NA - especially once Hughes gets grabbed by either CivGov or MilGov.
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