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Old 10-27-2013, 08:06 PM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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Does the KFS guard trade routes outside of KFS boundaries?

Originally Posted by Army Sgt.
They need to secure things like their refineries, road junctions, rail network, power plants, airports, factory complexes, and river junctions.
Are you suggesting that the KFS have centralized their refineries, powerplants and factory complexes to a single (or three-four-five) location(s) for protection?

How extensive is the road network and rail network? Do they duplicate routes, side by side, (and by how much, a little or a lot) or is it primarily a rail network feeding local road spurs into the surrounding area?

Do they use the rivers for trade using steamboats or tugs and barges? Does the KFS maintain clear channels (cleared of snags, sandbars, etc.) and a minimum river depth by building dams and locks on the Ohio, Cumberland, Green, and Kentucky Rivers?

Is this level of detail included in the B&B module?
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