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Old 11-01-2013, 08:41 PM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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From "Ruins of Chicago":
The team was activated some four years ago, presumably by a Morrow signal meant for some other team.
IIRC, in the Prime Base module it stated that due to the (Krell) attack the computers were damaged. Instead of sending out scores of signals a day to activate teams only one activation signal per day (or week) is sent out. (I have not been able to find any of my old copies of the modules except RoC.) In another module (maybe in PB as well) there was a statement that the Feds knew some of the activation signals but not all. The Feds then used these few known signals to activate their frozen SF teams. The SF and MP teams were not always in close proximity to each other.

It is my impression that Feds didn't find out about MP until 1984-1985. Their response was to freeze a few SF teams per year, under secret CIA budgets, using newly discovered cyro tube technology (still somewhat "experimental"). The Feds knew that MP was involved in a upcoming nuclear world war within a few years time but didn't know exactly when, therefore, each year, a few SF teams were frozen using the latest advance in cyro tube tech.

I don't think that the SF or MP boltholes "officially" used fusion power for energy requirements. I think it was left unanswered because they were only supposed to be frozen five years and if MP fusion packs only last 20 years then how would you explain the survival of the MP teams after 150 years? Remember that alot of things are driven by plot necessities, somewhat independent to reality or "predicted reality" like Damocles 300+ year fusion power supply.
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