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Old 11-12-2013, 09:42 PM
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stormlion1 stormlion1 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Vineland, NJ
Posts: 581

A good spot to hide something is under one end of a rural Overpass. I watched one getting built once and noticed that the space behind one end was empty, a big concrete box with a pipe for a Sewer line and a lot of empty space. Have a construction company do a repair of a rural overpass, build a small enclosed area behind one end and lace the side facing the road with explosives and then hide gear within. When the time comes and the nuclear war has come and gone, supplys can be gained by blowing the wall and getting to the goodys within. No one would ever guess equipment might be stored under a bridge, in fact thousand would drive by it every day and never know!
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