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Old 02-20-2009, 02:13 AM
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Default maybe

Originally Posted by Rupert Willies
They dare not, mayhaps?
Some -sure .Other -not so much .

different players like different styles .some want as near to real life as possible and some want cartoons.and some are in the middle -in a John Woo movie maybe.

In the best Chinese Cultural revolution tradition ,I will critique myself so that I may proceed with a clean slate :

I have gotten into a few bad habits over the years that have stunted the development of the game .

Firstly I have been too soft on the damage rules.( I do rack up 2 cripples,3 dead PCs and a lot of permanent wound effects like loosing points on strength,constitution,agility,charisma etc over 5 seasons ) -so to say that is totally cartoon I disagree with .


I am trying to amend this by using critical hits rules to its full extent ,giving complications as after effects of wounds and of course ,la piece de resistance - the bleedtime rules.

I admit that the gas explosion was poorly handled and should have been more powerful ( but I had qualms about making it more deadly than a 155 howitzer grenade -so I had the book in my corner too in a way ).It was all ad -lib anyways ,as that part of the mission was just an idea that I came up with off the top of my head .I didnt finish it thouroughly due to the fact that taking an evening or two "off" to make a mission feels like a waste when we meet up and nobody agrees on playing it anyways .Thats why I always hassel you guys with "whats the next mission guys he? ey? hæ?".If I get a choice early ,I can prepare it good .But as a mostly improvised mission I am semi pleased with my self .Should have snuffed you and Sanchez though -in hindsight -and let everyone else take a real thrashing. But spur of the moment decision to set damage at C:10 B:20 -what can I were prone,had armour ,got lucky etcetc .

Anyways -back to bleedtime rules: these will ensure that serious wounds will have to be taken seriously (!) and that planning ahead and "acting real life practical" in stead of "in game tactical" (yeah!) will be paramount .The check to stop the bleeding is a real risk and you only get the few chances to do so .
I predict -and sincerily hope- that PCs will take the pen and paper dirt nap
in sessions to come due to these rules.Some might postpone it by adding even more gear and expending valuable PCs -but that will not save them.Only the application of theoretical tactical skills and good acting /role playing can have a chance at this.

Critical hits are really dangerous in this way and any PC critically wounded I should lead to a start of biting of the nails and the mumbling of prayers .

As for the PLAYER munchkin behaviour I will correct the common understanding of what is possible in our next session by DEMANDING that players themselves practically calculate their own movement factor and that the equipment lists are thouroughly discussed before kick off .Failure to adhere or "forgetfulness" will be punished by summarily adding more danger to the PCs predicament the moment the error is discovered.

Yes -that is a pen and paper PC death threath..

I dont think players have actually cheated -ahem- and brought more stuff than their weight allowance dictates .But as they say in hurricane season : "Its not THAT the wind blows that is the crucial factor to standing it ,its WHAT the wind blows.If it smacks you with a Volvo its not going to matter that you managed to stay upright in the gusts" (far out -I know)

Meaning that even if weight allowance is kept , the shape and mass of objects must be discussed to see if they can actually be brought along in stated quantities .5 x 20mm Mechem rifles might be with in in weight /load capacity .It is not possible to carry in a combat gear configuration however.Also the extent of gear brought and the type of armour will be discussed and considered for giving penalties to agility checks and certain moves .(Like drawing a weapon/item when you have too many items will take longer time )

In conclusion a stricter,harsher and more viscious fun.
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