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Old 02-21-2009, 02:01 PM
kota1342000 kota1342000 is offline
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Posts: 210

This thread is starting to crack me up....thanx all....

Being an anti-tank buff, there are some good and bad sides to this coin. And some of this has already been covered,

-When tanks are buttoned up, they can see about 1/10 they normally can
-tanks cant drive up greater 60 or 70 percent slope (look for steep hills)
-tanks cant go over trees over 18in thick at trunks
-ditches and cuts over 4 feet can get tanks stuck

-good tankers nearly ALWAYS have infantry support
-tanks move FAST! (well, comparatively)
-good tankers know the weak spots on their vehicles and protect them

...So going back to the original question with the single rifleman with a rifle and a rock; this would actually be a good idea for a scenario for the GM with writers block.
This isnt impossible, just very difficult. Imagine if you will, attempting to place the rock (maybe a chunk of scrap steel instead) somewhere in the tracks where it would throw the track. What kind of courage will a PC show to make this happen with the possibility of the tank making a track turn and turning the PC into a red chunky stain in the ground up dirt? Or climbing onto the back deck of a buttoned up tank; what if TC or Gunner traverse the turret 360? Could a PC climb onto the turret? Could someone hang on at speed and hard turns? If the tank decides to "scratch its back" using a building, can the PC jump off and hide again? Could the PC get a hatch open or just wait for armor crew to open it for him/her? Will the tank crew crap the bed and make a serious mistake?
All this of course assumes that the tank is alone and without infantry support, but what a game session that would be for an imaginative PC.
then of course theres always;
"Make a deal with em!"
"What kind of deal?"
"A deal deal!"
"....ok hustler...we'll try it your way"
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