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Old 03-14-2014, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by stormlion1 View Post
I don't think were going to agree, I truly doubt that there are going be enough Snake Eaters to enter Cryo to staff a full set of A and B teams. And the entry from Ruins of Chicago does kind of confirm this.

... drawn from volunteers at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center in June of 1985. The Federal Government was very curious about something going on known only as "The Morrow Project". Vague rumours were all they had to go on, but some SF A-teams, made up of volunteers with few family ties, were frozen in order to find out what they could. No one suspected the true nature and duration of The Morrow Project. So, as usual, the A-teams were "left hanging".

Chain of command wise, well with the idea that there going to awaken soon after a war, they could be plugged into a existing chain of command, so there is no need to cryo a Snake Eater command structure. There should be one existing, if fragmented by a nuclear war.

And while the US and Canadian Governments have more resources than the Morrow project there started well afterword's of the Morrow Project. The first Morrow teams were put into cryo much earlier than the US Government became aware of the Project itself though so they were playing catch up.

Facility wise, well the US is covered in old military bases, mostly from the Second World War but plenty from Vietnam as well. Many in well out of the way places and many shut down soon after those two wars. Most airports in the United States serviced military aircraft during the Second World War but soon afterword's became civilian airports. Would they become targets as well? Doubtful. If the Russians had fired off the entire arsenal at every former Military facility in the US and Canada there wouldn't be anything left but sand, dirt, ruins and glass and the Snake Eaters and the Morrow Project would have awoken to a dead world rather than something that resembles modern day Chernobyl.

No, I feel the Snake Eaters were given some pretty snazzy equipment, had the training, but were wholly unprepared number wise for the environment they awoke to.
Awaken! Death is not an excuse! Arise Zombie thread!

The military is big on redundant structures and command structures. I can't believe that SF A teams would be emplaced with large caches of war materiel and a vague mission statement.

If looking at the MP was the goal then the troops would be Military Intelligence, Criminal Investigations Division, or Defense Intelligence Agency personnel.

The A-Teams had more to go on then "Find the Morrow Project and tell us what it is".

The Teams were emplaced with caches to fight an insurgency against Soviet invasion. In the 80's this was really thought of as a possibility. You have to place yourself in the Cold War mindset and that the Soviets really do want to knock us out of existence.

SF uses alot of National Guard training camps like Camp Guernsey in Wyoming and vast areas of National Forest for training. So a set up of B Team personnel in cryosleep in one of those areas far from cities or primary and secondary nuclear targets....... A Park Ranger cabin or a federal building on a wildlife preserve in a National Park for example.
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