Thread: Damocles 2017
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Old 03-23-2014, 09:47 AM
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Damocles lacked good intelligence gathering capabilities on its own. The little recon units are weak and sending the large defense units out wasteful.

Aerial drones...... a catapult launch and net recovery system for Damocles to launch surveillance and over the horizon comms relay drones.

Would Damocles be hooked up to any networks? I think any DoD networks were test and evaluation networks testing capability. That said. The whole reason for the internet was to link research and development think tanks at various universities together and through DARPA. DARPAnet. So I would think that Damocles linked by satellite, microwave transmitter, and fiberoptic cable. The war though cut those connections. Satellites lasted longest....... six months to a year before failing........ Microwave transmitters and cable connections died when the major cities died. The only comms now would be a Defense Service Network phone switch. That could be working as those systems are hardwired and redundant. So maybe the hotlines to National Command Authority, Cheyenne Mountain, Raven Rock, Omaha SAC base, Greenbriar hotel, etc still work?

I think that the US Gov has assets in place for a "Deep Impact" scenario in the limestone cliff in Arkansas, salt mines in Kansas, the Black Hills of North Dakota, the deep mine complex in West Virginia, etc. The US govt would likely do the stupid and try to bunch as many cryotubes as they can in one place for security and convenience.

From the other threads, any tubes associated with Damocles would either be cryosleep researchers, a frozen security asset, or computer science personnel preserved to help out after the war.
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