Thread: Damocles 2017
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Old 03-23-2014, 04:00 PM
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stormlion1 stormlion1 is offline
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Damocles I think wouldn't change much overall. Only real difference would be multiple connections to the outside rather than a few the original had. Buried landlines, satellite, etc. It would have a connection to the Internet and probably its own servers that could act as a backup to gov't farms elsewhere and probably a hidden automated hanger for several drones that could be controlled by remote. Probably not Predators or anything but more of the helicopter style ones as the need for a landing strip would be reduced. ground drones and automated defences would be relatively the same. I don't see there being cryotubes installed though as the facility would have the ability to communicate with other gov't installations via buried landlines, satellites, or whatever. Ones where people in charge could be sleeping. Damocles wasn't that big after all and shouldn't be made all that much larger.
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