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Old 08-03-2014, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by welsh View Post
So far, I am liking Kato13's ideas on this, although I probably wouldn't go much further than regional fusion plants that can be utilized to charge vehicles powered by long-life batteries. This would put pressure on teams to recover regional bases, require some defensive thinking around certain fixed but strategically vital assets and force to operate closer with local communities.
I am glad you found some of it useful.

I want to reiterate that I have total respect for canon Morrow project, but I came into the game a little sideways via the I think this makes me a little more likely to mix things up a bit.

I originally had the fusion plants small enough to be carried in the bed of a HMMWV but I decided to scale that up to make mobility more restricted. I have quite a few plants that could eventually be available to teams, but I suspect that I would make something "wrong" with each of them.
  • Bolt Hole plant - Potentially Low on fuel
  • Settlement cache - Location known to 5-8 teams so very possibly already taken. This location could actually be staked out by those with a grudge against the project.
  • Regional powerplants - Location only vaguely known.

These options open up a lot of gaming possibilities if you want to keep teams running via fusion.

When I decided to use multifuel engines I did a lot of research into what is necessary for biodiesel and ethanol production. Beyond my discovery that Methanol is not an option (see here), I discovered that Twilight 2000 vastly overestimated the weight and vastly underestimated the production capabilities of small stills.

Analysis of real world equipment would produce a kit that significantly outperform the "small still" from Twilight 2000 (that comes in at 700kg and only produces 5 liters a day).

I am still working on exactly what a field project ethanol kit would consist of but the most basic kit I could come up with would consist of

1 X Corona Grain Mill 6kg per hour hand 12kg motorized
1 X Meth/Ethanol Refining Tower 20 L Distilation/hour to 96%
4 X Barrel 208L Steel, 16 Gauge Airtight lid
3 X Barrel heating bands
1 X Barrel Boiling Unit Multifuel
1 X Molecular Sieve Ethanol Dehydrator 25kg zeolite/heating unit/pipes
1 X Pump 20 GPM, electric Fueling Station

This comes in at around 280 kg and 40 cubic feet (the volume due to the fact that I have not yet been able to find durable heat resistant 55 gallon drums that nest). Please note it would weight 800 kg more during production but from a storage and transportation perspective these numbers are good.

Conservatively this setup would produce 15 liters a day from cellulose (with project magic or sulfuric acid) and 30 liters a day from sugar crops. With precisely Genetically engineered Yeast and Zymomonas you could probably increase those numbers by 50% or more. I feel the project would work hard on cellulose to ethanol (something that is being worked on now so this is not fantasy science). If they get that then crop waste can be a fuel source and eventually switch grass could be planted to provide a very energy dense crop.

The fact that you could scale up the 55gal drums with needing proportionally fewer refining towers, dehydrators and pumps means that as the scale goes up the production goes up faster than the weight. Volume would still still scale lineally until I find something that nests.

More permanent production facilities would use something more durable than 55 gal drums, but those will work in the field for a while.

Biodiesel Kits already exist in the world so I have already databased one.

Biodiesel Kit

If I recall correctly this setup, given sufficient oil (and pure alcohol) could produce something like 400 liters a day.

If I ever further refine these numbers or kits I will let you guys know.

Last edited by kato13; 08-03-2014 at 03:29 PM.
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