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Old 03-01-2009, 02:29 PM
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Nowhere Man 1966 Nowhere Man 1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Graebarde
Soap making? Well you need lye or the equivalent to make. The old method was wood ashes. If you have wood for fire, you could cremate the cadaver? But I'd go for that one probabley in theroy if not in practice. At least not in the current mind set.

Compost.. Meat does NOT compost well and takes a relative long time compared to plants. The large bones would have to be fired to turn into the useable minerals too I think. A very LONG term solution as well as smelly. You're in theroy still burying them.

NO on feeding the pigs. Hogs are suseptable to many/most of the disease and parasites humans are. IF you contaminate the food source it WILL come back and bite you. Now IF the community is that depraved, I can see them eating 'long pork' directly, and instead of making soap they make soup.
Plus the use of humans as food could open up another can of worms,
the human equivalent of "Mad Cow Disease" or it is sometimes known as Crutzfield-Jakob's Syndome, IIRC.

I think you'd most likely see mass graves and if there is fuel to run them, mostly likely steam shovels, backhoes and bulldozers would be used.

Slave to 1 cat.
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