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Old 03-04-2009, 03:04 AM
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Ok - I see where you coming from .

I guess wishing Law the best of luck on his deployment is in order too.

Originally Posted by Eddie
Yes. I am aware of it. Even in the six hours I've been registered here.

There shouldn't be any issue. What he said breached OPSEC. Pure and simple. I gave concrete examples of the information that I pulled from his breach of it. That's not a lot of information for you or me, but combined with the website link he posted, I now know enough to get his full name, his commander's name, and a plethora of other information if I wanted to.

He shouldn't get butt-hurt about it, and if you do, Law, then you know Schofield is about 20 miles from K-Bay, come see me and we'll talk it out. Otherwise, take it for what it was, an azimuth check on a subject that can be a slippery slope.

Now, the one issue I do have with it, is Law's comment about not having a return date. That's just silly. Every unit that deploys has a date that the deployment will end. It's called a timeline. Now that might get changed, for mine, I redeployed 17 days earlier than what was on my orders, and that may be what he meant by his comment, but to an uninitiated person, that carries a much more dire implication than a BN Staff guy is going to encounter.
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