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Old 03-26-2015, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post
**: Going with one of Pixar's admonishments to writers - using coincidence to get the protagonists INTO trouble is good writing, using it to get them OUT of trouble is bad writing.
Funny you mention this as PIXAR had their asses saved by coincidence during the work on Toy Story 2 by sheer luck.

The story goes that 3 or 4 compounding failures led 90% of the work on the movie being lost. One Major executive happened to be on maternity leave and bandwitdh not being as strong as it is now she had a backup brought to her house for review.

Once they realized that multiple failures in their main storage (which I look back on for inspiration how a well run company can just blow it sometimes) they sent for the unintentional offsite backup (wrapping the computer in blankets and buckling it in as it was now worth over 50 million dollars in potential lost effort).
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