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Old 05-03-2015, 09:10 PM
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Webstral Webstral is offline
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The State Guard movement appears to be gaining traction nationwide. This link goes to the State Guard Association, which links to State Guard sites:

I think we can credit the Global War on Terror and its associated mobilization of National Guard units for the states' realization that the National Guard is a federal reserve under control of the states only when the feds don't need the National Guard. Now that the immediate need for the National Guard overseas appears to be diminishing, I expect enthusiasm for the State Guards will recede somewhat. It's too bad. We have a need for them.

Anyway, the states are well within their rights to monitor federal military activities in the given states. The militia was mentioned in the Constitution specifically as a strategic counterbalance against a the professional force. Laughable as that idea may be at the present, the fact remains that the states each were intended to have their own military force from the founding of the nation.

Naturally, this doesn't guarantee wise use. Were I the Governor of Texas, I would have had the State Police or the Texas Rangers monitor Jade Helm. Mobilizing the Texas State Guard, or a portion thereof, smacks more of political statement to a portion of the governor's electorate than prudent measure.
“We’re not innovating. We’re selectively imitating.” June Bernstein, Acting President of the University of Arizona in Tucson, November 15, 1998.
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