Thread: Contact pack
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:09 PM
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OK, went camping this weekend with some friends and looked to see what everyone had. My buddy Gunther had a Marine Corp pack with a civvie canteen and a good sleeping bag, two days of food and one change of clothes. No tent, his wife Angie had a really old (I swear it was made in the 60's!) civvie pack with tent, bedroll, clothes, cooking gear, and a days worth of food and no canteen. Jen came with only a small pack and a bedroll and only a single days worth of food, a small two man tent and a small water bottle on a string attached to her pack. My own gear was about 60 pounds of gear and had everything but weapons. By and large that's what I expect refugees and early apocalypse survivors to scrounge up.

For the record. Solo Stove. Best buy I ever made.
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