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Old 09-14-2015, 07:25 PM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Originally Posted by dragoon500ly View Post
I've said this on the Prime Base thread, I'd rather see 5-6 recon teams and 2-3 mars teams rather the P-Team
I am with you on this. The only reason I would have for calling them out as special and have a designation like Phoenix Team would be to have them be the logical result of Morrow Internal Security. In all my personal deliberations on the structure of Morrow Industries and Morrow Project, there is a need for some internal security to keep those workers not part of the Project from getting too close, to quash rumors in the media and the like. Then once the Project starts, they are sort of like MPs, keeping any given team from going too far off the rails on a power trip. As such, they would be well trained, more loyal average personnel.

They would not be the gray jumpsuit wearing men with camo capes flying away to trouble spots they picked up with their super hearing where two of them can leave in the morning, totally destroy a rogue team, the company of irregulars they trained and the improvised weapons and be back at base to enjoy a lovely lunch. From the description we have of them in PB, they might as well operate that way.
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