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Old 09-25-2015, 07:36 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Any ICBM set off at an altitude of about 40K will generate an EMP that affects an area of about 1000 Km. This is calculated using the first EMP ever detected. The EMP that affected Hawaii in the 50's during the Bikini Atoll tests. The EMP is the most insidious aspect of a full scale nuclear exchange in the digital age because of our dependence on so many technologies that are very vulnerable to it. We know it was a large part of Soviet Nuclear Strategy during the 90's. This is why I have always espoused this type of attack for Twilight. Very little fallout. Virtually no collateral damage on the ground (except from all the vehicle and plane crashes). Very hard to intercept with 90's tech. It also leaves you crippled for months or even years as you have to simultaneously rebuild your power, transportation, and civilian communications grids as well as your manufacturing base. Chaos would reign for months.
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