Thread: North Carolina
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Old 10-08-2015, 11:40 AM
midnight77 midnight77 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 31

here are some IC notes one of my players made.

Recon Team 32-B
Silias Becombe
Team Leader

We’re late. 150 fifty years or so. Not sure if it’s a malfunction or not. Hopefully the rest of the project is on the same time-lag. Radio’s clear though. Don’t know what to expect. Only thing can really do is follow our orders, hope someone gets on the line sooner rather than later.

Found civilization at least. Black powder level, but it’s something. Still functional at least.

Kentucky freehold?- Group out east of here. Kentucky and tennessee at the least. Slaver expansionists. Usual warlord shite. Too big to engage on our own, but project needs to deal with them. If not, have to get a milita going. Rather not go that route.

Confederacy- Name’s got me worried, but they sound all right. Bit nationalistic from the sound of it, but they’re a bit higher on the tech. Have to check out more

Chapel hill- voice on the radio, all I can make out is the city. Need to check it out

Albermarle- decent small town, fairly good first contact. Need to remember them

Lexington- region head, tad bit out of our recon zone, but not like there’s anyone else awake

Winston salem- still around, apparently big town. Need to check it out some point

University out east, decent bit of knowledge relatively

Big problem hasn’t been loss of knowledge, but equipment. They know how to treat and do things in theory, but the tech to do so isn’t there, and they can’t make much more than coal motors. Though there’s rumors of plans out west in kentucky, prop planes but big enough to carry weapons. Some balloons and zeppelins as well.


Heading to Lexington now. If we’re lucky, might run into another recon team. If not...least there’s no one to yell at us for going out of AO.
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