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Old 11-07-2015, 08:06 PM
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TyCaine TyCaine is offline
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Hey there, thanks for the input!

For those interested in staying in the dark, I'll start by mentioning some comments may be considered SPOILERS, so don't read on if you want to remain blissfully unaware!

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Going to address things one by one:

Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
You might want to make it a bit clearer about the Skitters armour.
I completely forgot about that, I'll admit it...
so, do we think maybe 2 for the body, and 1 for limbs and head? Or higher? Figuring the head could have a 1-4 or 1-5 chance of protection, allowing for a lucky shot...

Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
Also the mechs don't appear to have any decently heavy weapons - how did they deal with the human AFVs? Surely not just air power? Perhaps the mechs could be equipped (when required) with AT weapon pods (missiles, rockets, heavier guns, etc). That doesn't show up in the show, but it's a logical extrapolation I think.
Yeah I was going by the show, perhaps in the area where it's set the heavy vehicles, if there were many at all, have already been dealt with so the heavier weapons are not needed...
Maybe a second version of the Mech without the stunner, and instead with a heavier weapon? or like you said, have the regular Mechs able to be up-armed based upon need, perhaps pods are delivered by the Beamers as necessary...?

Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
The EMP/radio interference effects aren't as great as you see in season one either - effectively neutralised soon after the humans implement it.
Hmmm, maybe some fluff text to expand on it but ultimately make it a GM's discretion, very much a 'story-effect'...

Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
I'd also add combat engineer skill of 1 to the militia career. You see Tom (and others) using C4, etc on several occasions in the show without having to think very hard about it.
Bam, you're right, missed that completely, and I completely agree...

Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
Actually, much of what you know from the 1st season will be challenged, if not proven otherwise as the show goes on. Might want to hold off until you've watched it all?

It is interesting to see that the aliens appear to be primarily scavengers as Pope mentions in episode 8 when the ammo is discussed, not to mention what's been used to construct the tower in the city and how it's collected.
I've only watched part of the first season, but one of my friends who plays in our games has watched more, and we've been discussing things a little for future games so I had an idea things change...
I've got a feeling I might keep the book as it is but label it as "Falling Skies - Season 1 (The initial invasion)" or some such, this way groups can get into games with the basics, without getting bogged down in the deeper details. Then maybe a second book that updates the first with the new aliens, mechs and new dynamics....

Thoughts? And thanks for your input so far!

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