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Old 11-19-2015, 08:00 AM
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TyCaine TyCaine is offline
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Location: Central Florida, USA
Posts: 67

Thank you everyone so much! I'll take a look at all the sources mentioned.

The weapons lists can be matched against what's in the Infantry Weapons guide, and the same for many of the vehicles, so I should be able to pen some lists together of what's available similar to the Twilight lists...

One thing I was wondering (bearing in mind I haven't had the chance to review all those links yet) is whether there are any 'standard issue equipment' lists available? For Twilight you have a standard kit each person will have at the start of the game, plus whatever you can purchase, just wondering how I would go about figuring such a list out for the different eras, and does anyone know (from direct experience or from stories they've heard) what the likelihood of the soldiers in any of the eras being able to buy their own kit would be, and should it be figured out similar to Twilight era or not?

In Twilight the players can also purchase stills, vehicles and so on, in the more regimented eras of WWII, Korea or Vietnam I can't see how that would work, certainly not for the bigger stuff, but what do you all think?
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