Thread: Buying Vehicles
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Old 12-09-2015, 05:40 PM
unkated unkated is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Eastern Massachusetts
Posts: 416

I follow the same general lines as Raketenjagdpanzer - your initial cash is more like "buying points."

For initial 5th Division starts, I also use the availability values - if I roll it as unavailable, you can't buy it in your initial creation shopping spree.
  • "Your original issue gas mask gave out, and you haven't been close enough to the front of the line when they gave out re- issues" or
  • "You cannot beg, borrow or steal another box of 7.62mm N. So, your M60 is down to your last full belt..." or
  • "The only Parker Hales you've seen in the last 6 months were in the hands of someone carrying it, or in pieces in the armorer's shop."

Usually, common stuff is available, but not always.

Yes, you can buy a vehicle - if it's available.

I won't necessarily give players a choice on wear values (randomly rolled), but then they are not forced to buy the vehicle either.

Other campaigns I have been in, the GM may assign a vehicle (or not) if appropriate to the setting and circumstances of the scenario. In a couple, we were a team assigned to a mission, and were assigned vehicles; extra equipment was very limited. In another, vehicles were in appropriate; we were each given a horse instead, and a wagon for the group.

Uncle Ted

Last edited by unkated; 12-09-2015 at 05:44 PM. Reason: name correction
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