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Old 12-21-2015, 05:15 PM
Ancestor Ancestor is offline
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Posts: 156

[QUOTE=kcdusk;68898]True about "Ruins", but, its those little changes GM's secretly make that spice the game up!

1. Sometimes the appearance of "Rads" is enough to spook players ("Danger" signs, the 3 circled "chem hazard" symbol outside a village, mutilated animals in a field, a player putting their gas mask on and finding out in the process theres a hole in it ....).

My finest moment as a GM was when my PC's uncovered a suitcase of gold coins and jewels. They thought they hit the jackpot but failed to run any sort of rad detection equipment on the booty, which was covered by alpha and beta particles. I simply applied the contamination effects in the rules to each character's RAD total and then gradually described the effects until the longest serving character among them (highest RAD total) became deathly ill. Amazingly, one of the players (who was studying to be a chemical engineer) figured it out. Good times!
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