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Old 01-25-2016, 10:50 PM
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Now I'm thnking, it might not be a bad idea to work out what might be the priorities on like a timetable basis. By that I mean listing out what people would most likely prioritize at various stages after the "event".

Like in that first year after, as people have already said, food, clean water, and defense would be the primary things on people's minds.

Then, moving on, we can get to the two to three years after, as kalos brought up. Then, maybe 5 years, going up to ten years after, by which time the war should be over and the government would be trying to reassert authority.

As always, just a thought I had, after reading the newest posts tonight.
"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dis...."

Major General John Sedgwick, Union Army (1813 - 1864)
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