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Old 03-23-2016, 07:10 PM
Matt W Matt W is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 313

How did the Project plan to deal with the psychological issues that the crew of Prime Base would face in the period between their entry into the base and the point when the Project would become active?

1. Professional-based Crisis Intervention
Prime Base has several (perhaps as many as 20) mental health professionals who can provide counselling and therapy using various techniques, for example cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). They would hold regular one-on-one "debriefing" sessions with all personnel (at least once per month). They would have the authority to prescribe all forms of therapy (up to and including pharmaceuticals).

2. Mental Health Peer Support
EVERYONE receives training in counselling skills:
Skills include (but are not limited to) listening, paraphrasing and reflecting skills, questioning, and providing feedback

EVERYONE is taught about the effects of loss and grief, of stress and distress.

EVERYONE is trained to have an understanding of suicide/suicidal behavior.

EVERYONE is trained to have an understanding of the requirements of confidentiality and ethical behavior within the peer support role.

3. Training in Coping Strategies and Techniques
All Project personnel receive (personalised) guidance in how to preserve their mental health. For example, humour, "distraction" or meditation are all valid methods of coping with stress and disaster.

[in a game context, "Coping Strategies and Techniques" provides a reason for the "shoebox of personal stuff" that many PDs allow for player characters ]

4. Outdoor Life vs Indoor Life
IMHO, the subterranean sections are not intended for permanent occupation. Radiation and other hazards might mean that shelter is required for an initial few weeks or months but - after that - the plan would be for people to live and work outside Prime Base.

Last edited by Matt W; 03-23-2016 at 07:29 PM.
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