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Old 05-17-2016, 09:16 AM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
Well we know that MilGov has operating refineries - there are mentions of them in Oklahoma and Illinois as well in Howling Wilderness - also the fact that much of what oil is being refined is being used to make lubricants - which leads to an obvious conclusion that they have refineries in operation.
Howling Wilderness has the U.S. Army 194th Armoured Brigade guarding the oil refinery at Robinson, IL and a few functional oil fields surrounding it. However it also states that a recent accident severely damaged the plants last operating catalytic convertor, and the refinery is currently operating at one percent of its designed capacity. The brigade commander is also considering evacuating from Cairo, IL to Robinson and severing all ties with MilGov.

Doesn't give much information about refineries Oklahoma other than stating there are some or maybe one, and some oil wells. Reference to Colorado also supplying fuel, although that maybe from a depot of scavenged supplies.
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