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Old 06-13-2016, 04:41 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by WallShadow View Post
The Napoleon is the prize here, followed by the rifles and revolvers. The Spencers are going to have the same problem faced by the Southerners who captured them--once the rimfire ammo's gone, it's a fancy club.
The Napoleon, though, could take out soft-skinned vehicles and make a APC think twice. IIRC some ACW artillerists live-fire their weapons with appropriately-diametered food cans filled with cement. One wonders what would happen if a nice hardened steel spike is centered along the long axis of the projectile?
While I generally agree with you on the cannon, I think the black powder pistols and rifles will be more useful and the caps are a pretty easy fix. The better (more useful?) use for those food cans is to fill them with stones or scrap metal fragments and just bend the top back down. They fragment wonderfully upon impact.
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