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Old 06-20-2016, 08:00 AM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bullet Magnet View Post
I remember seeing the part of the Italians leaving NATO, and later invading Bavaria, but I do not remember ever seeing anything about them joining the Warsaw Pact. Where am I missing that from?

Going Home, Survivors Guide to the United Kingdom and particularly Mediterranean Cruise make some reference to Italy in the Twilight War. It never states that Italy joined the Warsaw Pact but it does imply it.

From GDW Going Home Page 17.

Italian Folgore MD (900 men, 5 AFVs): Commanded by Tenente-Colonello (Lieutenant-Colonel) Roberto Falvi, and supplied by a DIA operation out of Vienna, the Folgore Division has been operating as anti-Soviet partisans since the disintegration of the Pact counteroffensive over the summer. A life-long Christian-Democrat, and long opposed to the socialist coalition which has ruled Italy in recent years, Falvi has always despised the Warsaw Pact, and regretted Italy's involvement with it. He was patriotic enough to obey orders, however, until conditions deteriorated. Now he and the remnants of his unit are slowly fighting their way back to Italy, trying to do as much damage to the Soviets as possible.

From Mediterranean Cruise Page 14

When Great Britain entered the war, Gibraltar became important once again. With France opting out and Italy openly hostile. With the entry of Italy and Greece into the war against NATO, Gibraltar was the only friendly naval base in the western Mediterranean that NATO had.

From Mediterranean Cruise Page 18

By mid-1997, the Turkish offensive against Romania was heavily opposed by Soviet forces from the north and Greek troops from the southwest. It became obvious that Turkey must soon have help of be forced to withdraw. NATO aid to Turkey brought Italy into the war, in accordance to its treaty obligations, on 1 July 1997.

That treaty obligation was obviously a defence treaty with the Warsaw Pact.
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