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Old 06-30-2016, 10:39 PM
Matt Wiser Matt Wiser is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Auberry, CA
Posts: 1,002

The day goes on, and finding out CAS is the order of the day:

335th TFS Ops, Sheppard AFB, TX: 0900 Hours Central War Time:

The members of Corvette Flight were in their briefing room, waiting on their squadron's intel officer to come and debrief the mission. The usual wisecracks were being tossed around, and it was the usual post-mission release of energy. And it reminded Major Wiser of something he'd read, back in college. “Read this in college, guys. 'There is nothing more exhilarating than being shot at and missed,' or words to that effect.”

“Who said that?” Goalie asked. “Teddy Roosevelt?”

“I think so,” Guru replied. “Or maybe Churchill. It's been a while.”

“We've got more on them,” Sweaty pointed out. “They didn't have SAMs, triple-A, or MiGs to worry about.”

“No kidding!” Kara replied. “This wasn't a milk run, but you never know when that light-caliber stuff might bite you.”

“Tell us about it,” Goalie said. “That 23-mm stuff caused us to divert a couple of times with battle damage. Last time was before you came to the zoo.” She recalled a divert to Grand Junction, Colorado, with flak damage to an engine.

“Where is Darren?” Guru asked. “Normally, he's pretty punctual,” he said, referring to their intel officer.

“We were the first out,” Maj. Dave Golen, their IDF “observer” reminded them.

“But not necessarily the first back,” Sweaty said.

Then their SIO came into the room, a little harried, and Capt. Darren Licon, call sign Sin, went to the Major. “Boss, sorry I'm late. The XO's and Van Loan's debriefs ran over.”

“That's OK, Darren,” Guru replied. “Let's get this done.”

“Yes, sir,” Licon nodded. He unfurled a TPC chart and brought out the photos of the target area. “How'd it go, Major?”

Guru showed his ingress route on the map, then pointed out the dispersal area on the photos. “Hit these guys here,” said, tapping the northern parking area with a pen.


“Got multiple secondaries,” Goalie said.

“I'll confirm that,” Kara added. “And we hit the southern dispersal.”

The SIO nodded. “What'd you get?”

Brainiac, Kara's GIB, nodded. “Several secondaries, just like the Boss had.”

“Okay,” Licon gestured to Sweaty. “How about your element, Sweaty?”

“Got the weapons storage,” she said, pointing to the WSA on the photos. “And before you ask, that place blew.”

“And righteously so,” Preacher, her GIB, added. “Looked like a Fourth of July in November.”

The intel nodded. “Hoser?”

“Fuel dump,” Hoser said. “And it blew.”

“Big time,” KT, his GIB, added.

“Thank you,” Licon said. He gestured to Dave and Flossy. “Major Golen? The truck park?”

“Put my bombs here,” Golen indicated the east side of the truck park. “Had a few secondaries,” he added, and his GIB nodded.


Flossy pointed out the west side of the truck park. “Put mine here,” she said.

“And we had some more secondaries,” Digger, her GIB, added.

The Intel nodded again. “Ground fire, folks?” He asked.

“Nothing heavy, if that's what you're asking,” Guru said. “Had some light stuff.”

“I'll second that,” Sweaty added. “23-mm or machine guns.”

“Any SAMs?” Licon wanted to know.

“Just MANPADS.” Kara said. That meant SA-7s or -14s.

“No heavy missiles?”

“Hillsboro SA-2 didn't shoot, if that's what you're asking,” Dave Golen said. “They were up, but didn't fire.” And heads nodded at that.

“And no MiGs,” Kara added, though there was a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“I'll write it up and get it off to MAG-11 and Tenth Air Force,” Licon said, standing up and gathering his materials. “This place is out of action.”

Guru nodded, then asked the Intel. “Good for now, but can they replace what we culled out?”

“Maybe, sir,” Licon said. “The Navy-both us and the Brits-are working on cutting the convoy lanes, but they're stretched like we are. Too many missions and not enough assets. Sometimes a convoy gets torn to pieces, sometimes they get through pretty much intact.”

“Roll of the dice,” Kara noted.

Guru nodded in the affirmative. “Bottom line?”

“Maybe, sir. I just don't know,” Licon said.

“All right, Darren. Thanks.”

The intel nodded, then headed back to his own office to write up the strike report.

“Now what?” Sweaty asked.

Guru looked at everyone. “Get something to eat and drink. Then check your desks for any paperwork, and get ready to go back out.” Then there was a knock on the door. “Yeah? Show yourself and come in!”

Capt. Don Van Loan, the Ops Officer, came in. “Boss, this just came down from Tenth Air Force. We're off the ATO and doing CAS until 12 Noon at least.” He handed the CO a message form.

“What gives, Don?”

“East Germans got a little uppity last night and this morning. They hit the boundary between 1st Cav and the 11th Airborne, and took a town called Lipan.” He showed the location on a map. “Here, at the junction of F.M. 4 and F.M. 1189. First Cav's getting ready to retake the place, but they need CAS.”

“Call the Hogs,” Kara said, and Sweaty nodded. “That's what they're there for.”

“They're all busy, Tenth AF says,” Van Loan replied. “So it's up to us and the Marines.”

“Okay, Don,” the CO said. “Ordnance loads?”

“Dave?” The Ops Officer nodded at Golen. “You and Flossy get Mavericks. Two AIM-7s, full 20-mm and ECM pods. Boss, you all get Rockeyes and full air-to-air.”

“Got you,” Guru said, and Golen nodded. “Anything else?”

“Everything else is unchanged from this morning. Tanker tracks, MiG threat, and so on.”

“Thanks, Don,” said Guru. “You going?”

“In ten.” Van Loan said. “You guys should be ready in twenty.”

“Okay, Don. Good luck.”

“You too, Boss.” Van Loan replied. They shook hands, then the Ops Officer left to brief his flight, then go out.

“More CAS?” Kara said. “Where are the Hogs?”

“Chances are, they're someplace else, and Ivan told the East Germans to take advantage of it,” the CO replied.

“And the threat is Divisional level at least,” Goalie said. She was looking at a paper Van Loan had left. “That means ZSU-23s and SA-9 on up.”

“Or -13s, and SA-6 or SA-8,” Hoser noted. “Wonderful.”

“And Army-level SA-4 if any are around. Remember, these won't be mobilization-only Russians. East Germans with good gear and they know how to use it,” Guru reminded everyone. “Dave? You and Flossy go in ahead of us. Kill any air-defense assets you find. Tell the FAC there's a flight right behind you with an antiarmor load if he asks.”

“Will do,” Golen replied. ”Call sign?”

“You're Camaro flight this time, Dave. And if you hit MiG trouble? Holler. We'll be there. One other thing.” The CO saw Dave and Flossy look at him. “Before you go? Get something to eat and drink..”

“Got it.”

“All right, Dave. You and Flossy? Good luck,” Guru said. He and Golen shook hands.

“You too,” Golen said, then he and his element went to gear up and man their birds.

After Golen, Flossy, and their GIBs had left, Kara asked, “What about us?”

“Like I told Dave: Get something to eat, something to drink. Then gear up. We meet at 512 in fifteen.”

After getting a bite to eat and some bottled water, Corvette Flight's crews geared up. As Guru and Goalie were heading out, they passed Frank Carson at his desk. He gave them a scowl, and they returned it. Then Guru asked Hacksaw, the SDO, “Any problems with him?”

“Not a one,” Hacksaw replied, then he sneezed. “Doc's got me on some pills.”

“Listen to him,” Guru said. “Doc, I mean. He outranks even me when it comes to that. As for Frank? Let me know if I'm not flying if he causes any trouble.”

“Got it, Major.” Hacksaw replied. “Boss, you'd think somebody told to take the day off and enjoy it would listen.”

“He probably won't listen to us peasants,” Goalie quipped.

“You're right about that,” Guru said. “You take it easy, now.” He told Hacksaw.

The SDO nodded. “Will do, Major, and good luck.”

“Thanks,” Guru said, then he and Goalie headed on out to the dispersal area. On their way, they saw two F-4s with AGM-65s on triple launchers taxi out. “There goes Dave and Flossy.”

“And we're right behind them,” Goalie said. It wasn't a question.

“That we are,” Guru nodded. They went to 512, and found the rest of the flight there. “Gather 'round, people,” Guru said, ready to give his final instructions.

“Same drill as usual?” Sweaty asked.

“Mission code to AWACS and other interested parties. Call signs between us.”

“And if MiGs show up?” Kara asked.

“If you run across some of their people doing what we're doing?” Guru replied. He drew his forefinger across his throat. “Kill 'em. But don't go out of your way to do it, and watch for the Army down below. Don't want anyone drawing fire from an M-1 Gepard or a Stinger.”

“Got it,” said Kara, and everyone else nodded understanding.

“Anything else?” Guru asked.

“We doing this all day?” Hoser asked, and KT nodded.

“Even money bet,” the CO replied. “Any other questions?” There were none. He clapped his hand once. “All right! Let's hit it.”

The crews headed to their own aircraft, while Guru and Goalie went to 512. The CO nodded to his Crew Chief. “Sergeant.”

Staff Sergeant Crowley nodded. “Major, 512's ready to rock. The ordnance guys just left, and she's fueled up.”

“Thanks, Sarge,” Guru said. He and Goalie did a quick preflight walk-around, then they mounted the aircraft. After getting strapped in, they went through their preflight cockpit checks. “CAS....once more unto the breach.”

“I'd like to know where the Hogs are,” Goalie said as she ran through the checklist.

“You and me both,” Guru replied. “And probably everyone in the squadron.” They finished the check, then he gave his CC a thumbs-up. Sergeant Crowley then gave the “Start Engines” signal, and Guru started first one, then the other, J-79 engines. After the warm-up, he called the Tower. “Tower, Corvette Flight with four, requesting taxi and takeoff instructions.”

“Corvette Lead, clear to taxi to Runway Three-Three Lima. You are number two in line. Hold prior to the runway.”

“Roger, Tower.” He gave another thumbs-up to Sergeant Crowley, who returned it, and signaled the ground crew to pull the gear chocks away. Then Guru got the taxi signal. He taxied 512 out, and as he turned for the runway, Sergeant Crowley snapped a salute. Pilot and GIB returned it, then 512 led the rest of the flight to the runway, with a Marine F-4 flight ahead of them. They waited for the Marines to go, then held prior to the runway for the armorers to remove the weapon safeties. Then it was time. “Tower, Corvette Flight requesting taxi for takeoff.”

“Corvette Lead, Tower. Clear to taxi for takeoff. Winds are two-six-seven at eight.”

“Roger, Tower.” Guru taxied onto the runway, and Kara in 520 followed. She got into the right wing position, and she and Brainiac gave their flight leader a thumbs-up. Guru and Goalie returned it, then did a quick final check. “All set front.”

“All set back here,” Goalie said. “Let's go.”

“Tower, Corvette Flight requesting clear for takeoff.”

The tower flashed a green light as usual. Clear for takeoff.

“Canopy coming down,” Guru said. He closed and locked his canopy, and Goalie did the same. Glancing to the right, they saw Kara and Brainiac had done the same. It was time. He released the brakes, went to full power, and 512 went down the runway and into the Texas sky. Kara and Brainiac in 520 followed, and thirty seconds later, it was the turn of Sweaty and Hoser to follow.
Treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect, but always have a plan to kill them.

Old USMC Adage
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