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Old 07-01-2016, 07:04 AM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post
Just as a quick note, TMP is full of technologies for which we do not have any current explanation. Is the goal in this thread to reduce resistweave to something that current science can at least roughly explain, or is the goal to provide a characterization of the material that would allow for a more detailed usage? Because the first sacrifices game effect in order to gain an explanation while the second sacrifices explanation in order to gain a game effect.
I have always played TMP science as a "Handwave" type of existence. I mean, fusion power, resist weave, lasers, Med Bed, med kit, CBR, cryo sleep, etc., etc., etc. Heck the whole idea of TMP working like a massive Manhattan Project is WAY out there.

So why play? Because it is FUN!!! I am a role play geek from WAY back. (V1 D&D) I can imagine the shock and horror of waking up in a freeze tube and discovering that something went FUBAR. What do you mean it's 150+ years AFTER we were supposed to wake up??!!??!! And no Prime Base. And no support teams. And nothing else we were expecting. So let's lock and load, roll out and see what we CAN do!

My $0.02

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