Thread: Berlin in 1996
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Old 08-27-2016, 11:10 AM
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This was a great series of posts. Lots of food for thought and rational explanations. Kudos to all. Keep it up.

Personally I would probably roll a d100 with 1 being the Soviets taking the most hardline position possible and 100 showing the Soviets being as passive and interested in detente as possible. With the middle ground pulling aspects from both sides of the discussion.

Same could be done for the Stasi. 01 having them as the instigators and complicit at every level and 100 having them be totally clueless. The middle ground would be interesting in how far up or down the chain the information goes.

As always something with a bell curve might be a better fit that a d100, but the simplicity of a single number often give me clarity on motivations.
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