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Old 09-04-2016, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Rswintek View Post
Thank you that are some great ideas. What I am thinking of doing is the The mayor of Chicago has made a deal with the Kentucky Freestate he's providing slaves and free state gave him modern weapons in a few vehicles and troops. So he was able to take over Chicago.this is going to be a long campaign.
That isn't going to make Maxwell's Militia very happy.

Building a base....
Clean year round water source.
Sanitation.... dig latrines at a minimum.
Shelter... Log style frontier forts .... Osprey books has many excellent examples.
Perimeter...... Defense is like an onion..... It has many layers and everyone is gonna cry.
Food.... Salted and smoked meat. Set the Mailman loose..... Send him around with a message your friendly, want to trade, and can use some help. Free land and help building a homestead to anyone that wants to join. Set the fishermen free and hope they can send back fish. If they can't you have a trade option to get fish in the future.
Trade.... ammo for starter stock of grain, tubers, and live stock. You will still have an overwhelming amount of firepower and the training to use it effectively. You need seed corn, millet seed, soy, and barley.... Probably alfalfa too. Some chickens and turkeys to start.
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