Thread: Cults in T2K
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Old 09-07-2016, 01:13 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by unkated View Post
i have been reading a lot of call of cthulu material lately. These frequently feature capture someone and sacrifice them horribly to open a gateway for some horrrific god who will grant the cult knowledge/power/salvation.

It is easy enough to see a group of survivors become crazed enough to profess such a belief as action.

Or, is the cult now simply acting a little more in the open now that the authorities have gone away....

('here in the carpathians, we have always worshipped the old gods. When the christians came in the 10th century, we put up a church, and go on sundays. We don't discuss what we do in the hills saturday night, and we intimidated the priests not to ask; when the communists came in 1945 and shut down the church, we did not argue. But since there was a police squad from the city attached by a phone line, we have had to be more surrepticious for two generations - until now.')

such a cult can either just be lunatic enough to believe their own story; ('in that second truck - a woman with golden hair and emerald eyes! A mate fit for the king in yellow! We must seize her and present her to him - but subtlely to avoid alerting her friends with all the guns...')

it can be a charismatic leader who drives them to horrors and then uses guilt and shame to control the village; ('when the last strangers came and we ate them, as i told you yogsotha commanded, were we not stronger for it? The starving children stopped starving! We must do the same to these strangers before they spread word of what we have done to those in the valley below, who would not understand...')

or for those of you willing to tinge your campaigns with the occult, an actual supernatural connection. ('uh, is it just a trick of light, or is there something with horns and a tail moving in the center of that pentacle?')

uncle ted

"sorry, lt. I thought i was driving through the village, but the non-euclidean geometry of those houses confused the crap out of me..."
so your the one responsible for turning wallshadow into "the necromonger!!"
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