Thread: Cults in T2K
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Old 09-12-2016, 04:12 PM
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The Violent Ends

When you have nothing left to live for, live for nothing.

Nihilists. These are a collection of men and women from every ethnic background, every caste, every economic platform, every walk of life. What is the common thread among them all you ask? They are alone. These are the fathers, the mothers that have lost their spouses and children. These are the children who were home or at school when the bomb fell and their parents never came home.

All are sick with grief and loss with more reflected back at them from those they are travelling with. Members have been known to collapse and die of malnutrition or thirst because they just forget to consume what is necessary for life. They move in a herd, share communally food, water, body heat; as they shuffle down the road without a destination. Few if any at all could place a name or remember the faces of their fellow travellers. None make any attachments, except possibly to a companion animal like a dog, a cat, or a horse.

They are worthless for information... They know their name and where they are from, but couldn't tell you where they are now. Yelling, threats, injury, or even rape and they become unresponsive, curled up in a fetal ball. Slavers don't even bother as these typically just curl up a die. They make no effort to protect themselves walking across busy roads, over broken bridges, through even a raging fire fight. Gun fire won't even herd them out of the road when their mass blocks vehicle traffic.

They all die tragically, often by the hand of another; thus their nickname.... The Violent Ends.
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