Thread: Lists
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Old 12-16-2016, 04:02 PM
Matt W Matt W is offline
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Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post

I am asking because I am trying to rebuild my idea of TMP, since my last version died unexpectedly with my hard drive earlier this year. As a GM I want a full view of the Project so that I can ensure that everything makes sense and so that I can improvise more easily. I am building a structure of the Project and want to make sure that I include everything that should (to me) be there and alter a few things that (again, to me) should not.
It all depends what you're designing the Project FOR. If it wants to quickly rebuild a large area (rather than "survive" at Prime Base and expand in a generation or two) then you need more aircraft and possibly more boats/ships.

IMHO, the value of aircraft seems completely underestimated in Project planning. It's a bad idea to look for survivors by wandering around on the ground. It would seem far more efficient to have Recon overflights and then direct the Recon teams towards areas that appear to have some sort of functional government (and away from areas that glow in the dark).

There should be more airbases. Nothing huge. A couple of Shorts Skyvans, a few "utility" light planes and some helicopters would be adequate for each Region. If the Project needs to transport something bigger, they could use the C-130 at Prime Base

IMHO, the value of an expert is greatly enhanced if you can QUICKLY transport him/her to the area needed. Flying for a few hours is better than driving for a few days

We have a supply base at Isle Royale. Which is a nice idea. BUT...Where are the ships? And where are they going to dock and unload?

There should be teams that can set up Ports (inland or coastal)
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