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Old 04-01-2017, 11:17 AM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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In the U.S. military, chaplains are supposed to be unarmed, so I'm a bit puzzled about these stories of chaplains carrying such a variety of weapons. I've reviewed over 120 TO&Es and only two mention chaplain being armed, and equally interesting, both of these were removed within 12 months of being released. IMHO this indicates that when a chaplain is armed, they are violating military regulations, as well as the Geneva Conventions. Having said this, there are no regulations forbidding a chaplain from earning a shooting badge, they simply cannot carry a weapon in a combat zone.

As far as the chaplain's assistant, they are more drivers and administrative assistants, hence they are not violating regulations or Conventions if they go armed. In practice (Vietnam and Korea), they acted as a "bodyguard" for the chaplain.

As for medical personnel, this is a bit more open as they can be armed for self-defense purposes, especially in a guerrilla war where the rebels do not honor the Conventions. Indeed, in Vietnam especially, medics carried pistols and rifles, armed their ambulances and didn't hesitate to return fire when attacked.

In addition, Doctors and Nurses, in the U. S. Military, are commissioned officers and are authorized to carry pistols, but are not to engage in combat. I know, doesn't make sense, but it is the military and nowhere does it say it has to make sense.

So, for a T2K scenario, what does the poor GM do? It's your game, your decision is final.
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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